Make Way For The New You Creator…

One and a half year’s ago my juicy boyfriend Jason Lawrence, my amazing kid Lily Anne Davis and I packed up our 2,800 square foot house in Danville, California where Lily and I had been living for 15 years. We put everything in storage, grabbed our 2 cats, the dog and headed due South, bound for our next life’s adventure in Mexico. The resulting evolution of all of us, animals included, has exceeded even our vivid imaginations.

So last night, I’m sitting in our Cassita by the Sea and thinking, “What the hell am I doing paying to store all that furniture?” It is so apparent to me that the woman who bought all that lovely stuff has left the building and the country! Haha! None of it, with the exception of my red Eames Chair and my vast library of books, holds any significance to me.

Now upon reading this Creator you might be thinking, “Yeah so?” But for me? I’m feeling the Freedom of letting go of the past, the stuff, and embracing the Fecund Now and the Future Cool Everything that Life is continuously serving up to The Evolved Me.

And know this, these thoughts about our stuff in storage is not new. I’ve pondered it before, and the query made my head spin. How will I get the stuff south without paying a fortune? How will I get it over the border? How will? How to? And when my stomach knotted up with the daunting prospect, I knew I was not yet up to speed with the answer. And so, I put my thoughts elsewhere Knowing the answer would come when I was ready. And now, I’m fucking ready.

A road trip of divestiture is now on our calender slated for the beginning of 2018. I can’t think of a better way to usher in the new year than by clearing out the old.

The moral of the story?

Divestiture = Freedom Creator. At least for this happy, evolved and evolving Creatrix. Sending big love out to my Homies far and wide. Over and Up…👊🏼👊🏼😎~*

PS This photo is of last night’s sunset taken from my deck on my IPhone. I didn’t touch the color. Amazing no? Looking at the world through rose colored glasses! Literally…~*

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